Reading, Writing, Maths, RE and Science
We are incredibly proud of our curriculum!
Every aspect has been thoughtfully designed so it creates meaningful links for pupils and builds on what pupils know. Below you will find comprehensive details of our aims and intentions in each core subject, and the building blocks set out in our progression of skills.
Our curriculum has one core function, to enable us to deliver on our vision of BREAKING BARRIERS WITH GOD IN LIFE, LEARNING AND LOVE. Our intention is that our curriculum extends opportunity, raises aspiration and awareness of God-given potential, opens children’s eyes to the world beyond their immediate environment, enables our children to live happy, healthy and productive lives and inspires children to learn more and improve. As a Christian school, we aim to help children develop resilience, self control and curiosity as they develop into highly motivated 
young people with strong values. who have the capacity to change the world for the better.

Reading Intent, Implementation and Impact |

Reading Progression of Skills |
Our intention is to open up learning for all children, we intend to immerse pupils in the wonders of quality texts to instil a love for reading, a passion for discovery and a confidence to explore their imagination through books. It is our aim that all children will finish their journey at Peter Hills, as capable and confident readers, ready to take on the world. |

Writing Intent, Implementation and Impact |

Writing Progression of Skills |
Our intention is to ensure that all children master the skills and knowledge needed to successfully communicate through writing. Our aim is that children will leave Peter Hills with the ability to write with clarity and purpose across a range of genres. They will write with flair and creativity as they use their exposure to quality reading material as inspiration and confidently adapt their language and style to a range of contexts and audiences.

Maths Intent, Implementation and Impact |

Maths Progression of Skills |
Our intention is to stimulate curiosity, foster creativity and equip children with the skills they need in life beyond school. Through our maths curriculum we show children that maths is a powerful way of communicating, they will make sense of the numbers, patterns and shapes they see in the world around them and appreciate how maths contributes to our economy, society and culture. Our aim is that all children will delight in confidently using maths to solve problems as they make new and exciting connections in their world.

RE Intent, Implementation and Impact |

RE Progression of Skills |
Our intention is to instill in each child an understanding of a distinctively Christian worldview. During their years at Peter Hills they will develop a moral groundwork based on the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels. The children learn to demonstrate the Christian values of respect, peace, friendship, thankfulness, trust and courage in their daily lives. This distinctively Christian ethos will shape the children's understanding of and respect towards, religions and cultures around the world. Children will also adopt an ability to learn about, and from different beliefs and practices worldwide.

Science Intent, Implementation and Impact

Science Progression of Skills
Our intention is that our children will engage with and become actively involved in scientific debates. Our children will not be limited by stereotypes about science. They will be given the tools to reason scientifically, creating and testing hypothesis and conducting well-controlled experiments - all indicators of later success in the sciences. Children will understand that some of society's biggest challenges and opportunities can be impacted by having an understanding of key scientific concepts. Science will not just be seen as something "scientists do" - it will be seen as a tool they can use to shape their future for the better.